Quelques questions méthodologiques concernant l’étude de la dimension transculturelle dans la littérature européenne contemporaine<br><br> <br>

  • Autore: Sinopoli, Franca
  • Categoria: Opera critica
  • Genere: Saggio
  • Datazione: 2023
  • Pagine: 17-29
  • Editore: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre
  • Luogo di pubblicazione: Paris Nanterre
  • ISBN: 9782840165170
  • Lingua: French

in: L’Europe transculturelle dans le monde global Transcultural Europe in the Global World, a cura di Alessandro Benucci, Silvia Contarini, Gonçalo Cordeiro ,Graça Dos Santos, 2023

The article proposes a specific and updated declination of the idea of “weltliteratur” formulated by Goethe, referring to the current presence in the European context of a literary production of a transnational and transcultural nature, particularly significant in terms of the multilingual and translingual dimension in which it has been produced over recent decades. This also entails its significance in terms of the cultural policy of the countries of the European Union, which seems to increasingly acknowledge a literary heritage that draws not only on national and monolingual traditions but also on the transnational, transcultural and translingual paths of a significant number of writers.